Installation Mac

If you are running on intel for mac you will download pre-built binaries. If you are running Apple Silicon the process will download dependency libraries from source.

Note: You will not be able to stream a connected Kinect on macOS.

Installation instructions do not include the Azure Kinect SDK as macOS is not yet supported by Azure Kinect SDK .

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Reach out on our discord and we will get you going!

1.0 Pre-Installation Requirements

1.1 Install Xcode

1.2 Install Xcode command line tools

sudo xcode-select --install

1.3 Install cmake

brew install cmake

1.4 Install pkg-config

brew install pkg-config

2.0 Download and Install SSP

2.1 Download and make SSP

git clone
cd Sensor-Stream-Pipe
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j12

h264_videotoolbox codec is used for hardware codec on macOS

The dependencies libraries are built with the 3rdparty/

3.0 Use it!

Now checkout Streaming a Video or Streaming a Dataset to see how you can stream local files with Sensor Stream Server to Sensor Stream Client.

Last updated