Streaming iOS ARKit RGB-D Data

We have 2 different methods for streaming RGB-D on iOS:

  1. Streaming without running AR app (no Unity)

  2. Streaming while running AR app (Unity Plugin)

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Streaming without running AR app

1.0 Build Sensor Stream Pipe for iOS (No Unity)

1.1 Follow the instructions: Installation iOS (Unity Plugin)

2.0 Build Sensor Stream Pipe for Mac

2.1 Follow the instructions here: Installation Mac

3.0 Run Sensor Stream Client on Mac

3.1 Navigate to /Sensor-Stream-Pipe/build/bin

3.2 Run Sensor Stream Client with OpenCV visualization

./ssp_client_opencv 9999

4.0 Run and Build Sensor Stream Server

4.1 Open ssp.xcodeproj in Sensor-Stream-Pipe/build-ios

4.2 Sign, in Signing & Capabilities

4.3 Build and run ssp_server!

If running into issues update host to the ip address of the computer running ssp client opencv in serve_ios_raw.yaml:

Streaming while running AR app (Unity Plugin)

1.0 Build Sensor Stream Pipe for iOS (No Unity)

1.1 Follow the instructions: Installation iOS (Unity Plugin)

2.0 Build Sensor Stream Pipe for Mac

2.1 Follow the instructions here: Installation Mac

3.0 Setup Unity Project

3.1 git clone our sample project

git clone

3.2 Update line 3 in Assets/StreamingAssets/serve_ios_raw.yaml to the correct destination IP address

4.0 Deploy the Unity Project

4.0 Go to Assets/Scenes and open the SampleScene

4.1 Move the plugins created in this step to Assets/Plugins/iOS

4.1 Open Unity (2022+ works well) Go to Build Settings, switch to iOS platform, and hit "Build and Run" (this will launch xcode)

Set up your signing so you can deploy your application.

4.2 Run ssp_client_opencv on port 9999 on the device you are streaming frame data (check out Streaming a Video if need instruction on how to do this)

4.3 Deploy the project onto an RGB-D (LiDAR) iPhone and check out the RGB-D data streaming as the iPhone runs an Unity AR Application!

Last updated

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